Gambling Side Effect Medication

Gambling Side Effect MedicationMedication side effect compulsive gambling

Gambling Side Effect Of Medication

Our Requip (ropinirole) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Other Mirapex (pramipexole) Side Effects: Low blood pressure, dizziness or faintness when standing Sleepiness Headache Digestive upset, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea Faulty memory, confusion Depression Difficulty sleeping, unusual dreams Fatigue Hallucinations Dry mouth Muscle. The effects of gambling addiction may range anywhere from a loss of money to suicide. Besides, they may ruin almost every aspect of life. For example, relationships, academic or office performance, self-image, self-esteem, behavior, and social responsibilities. Typically, the effects during the withdrawal period include certain conditions.

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Gambling Addiction Medication Side Effect

Mirapex was a miracle drug for my RLS. I was taking it and functioning as a normal human being for a few years before the side effects started.
I was never a gambler. Once I went to a casino, I was hooked. When that got out of control, I self-banned myself from the local casinos. That didn't work, I continued to go.
Lottery scratch-off tickets became a new obsession. I spent thousands on them.
I became suicidal; almost succeeded the last time. My marriage fell apart because my husband believed that my gambling was a choice not a compulsion or side effect.
Once I was off the drug, my marriage was over, I had lost everything. This has been 7 years ago. My life was shattered. I have moved on but my life, although happy, will never be the same. Mirapex robbed me of everything.
I had contacted attorneys where I lived, but since the side effects and lawsuits were a well known thing (not to me) no one would touch my case. The ones that were willing wanted me to do all of the leg work. I couldn't afford this because I had lost everything.
So, I am left picking up the pieces of my life and the manufacturer of Mirapex got away with ruining another life.
Gambling Side Effect Medication

Medication Side Effect Compulsive Gambling

  1. A class of drugs called dopamine agonists, used mainly to treat Parkinson’s disease, has long been suspected of causing strange psychological side effects, such as compulsive gambling and sexual.
  2. Although pathological gambling is listed as a reported side effect in the current aripiprazole drug labels, this description does not entirely reflect the nature of the impulse-control risk that.