Suggest Time Slot For Meeting


Before you write the email, you should also procure the dates and times that work best for him for a meeting and if possible get three options. This might spare a great deal of back and forth emailing at a later point in time. The most courteous way to begin the text this email is to ask the VIP - 'What date and time work best for you?'

When someone makes a proposal that doesn't work for you, keep the conversation and the relationship going by proposing alternatives. Here's how.


Time slot for consultation exact (1) With technology, teachers across different schools (although Singapore is a very small country, and meeting face to face is not an issue, locating a common time slot for meeting still proved to be challenging) can share ideas and materials in a digital space. In a Monday blog post, Google announced a new feature that could help eliminate some of the stress of scheduling meetings. The new option, called propose new meeting time, allows invited meeting. Generally, I think it’s better to propose two or three different time slots to start, with the request for them to propose alternative times if these don’t work.

September 19, 2013

When you're scheduling meetings, it's easy to get caught in an endless back-and-forth as everyone searches for the right amount of time on their calendar. When Bernice emails you, saying 'I'm available tomorrow at 3pm. Let's go wild over a box of cupcakes and the latest sales figures,' you might discover you're already spending tomorrow at 3pm in a session to decide how to display your latest merchandise. You just can't make it to Bernice's meeting.

Time slot for meeting

Don't simply write back, 'I can't make it.' If you send just that back, now you've put the other person in a position of still not knowing what a good time would be to meet. Instead, look at your calendar and find 2-3 time slots that work for you. List all of them in your reply, and highlight one as the default. That's the one you put in your calendar. Your reply will look something like this:

Suggest Time Slot For Meetings

'I can't make it Tuesday at noon. My first choice is Friday at 3pm—I'll pencil that in. If that doesn't work, however, I'm free Wednesday at 11am and Thursday 2-4pm. But please let me know quickly, as those time slots may fill up.'

Suggest Time Slot For Meeting Email

This way, you're keep the scheduling conversation going while meeting your scheduling needs and the need of the other person to coordinate a group.