Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis for Gambling Addictions For those individuals that suffer from a Gambling Addiction, chasing losses creates more stress and more a craving to gamble. It is a never ending cycle of doom and gloom. For the casinos it is a licence to print money at the expense of those with a gambling addiction and at the expense of their family. Hypnotherapy for gambling addiction is a popular aid amongst gamblers due to its effectiveness. This method of treatment is considered effective because hypnotherapy for gambling addiction allows the patient to relax through and become open for positive suggestions while in a deep state of hypnotic trance.

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy Training

  • Are you worried your gambling is out of control

  • When you start gambling can you stop or are you always chasing the win.

  • Is gambling destroying your life, your finances, your relationship with your family.

  • Decided it's time to Stop and seek help? Hypnotherapy may help you stop that gambling habit.


Stop gambling treatment 1 session : $180.00

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy

Stop Gambling Hypnosis Downloads


Total Cost $360.00.
•Includes two sessions.
Plus 3 month of back up sessions.
•Also includes session support recordings.

You pay only one price and receive support for 3 months. You must attend the two sessions, to be held one week apart. If you feel tempted to go back to old habits within 1 months of your last session, come back and see Lorna for a support session at no extra cost.

For some gambling is a form of escapism, a way of leaving the concerns of the world behind. The enjoyment of the adrenaline rush or the opportunity to win big. The sign of the compulsive gambler is chasing that big win, not knowing when to stop (even though you know you should have). Always hoping that luck will change. Often getting help with the habit of gambling comes too late and at a huge personal cost.

Hypnosis can help with the habit of gambling. But in order for hypnotherapy to work the habitual gambler has to know within themselves that it is time to stop.

Admitting defeat is the first step on the road to stopping gambling. Or the potential of a partner finding out what’s really going on. For some a partner leaving them and taking their family away from them leads the gambler to find help.

Gamblers that suffer big losses may experience depression or mood swings. Tremendous guilt builds up around gambling money they shouldn’t be gambling with . Having access to joint savings accounts can be a temptation to the problem gambler.

At HypnoResults Hypnosis a session of hypnotherapy can help habitual gamblers free themselves from their gambling habit and regaining their self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to forward towards a new future.

*Disclaimer: Outcome of services rendered can vary on individual basis and no permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided.

Do you want to remove yourself from the vicious cycle of gambling?

Does it feel like the more attention you give it, the more it wants, to the point where gambling is a parasite on your life?

Like any addiction, gambling is entrancing. When you gamble, the rest of your life fades into the background. Like a magic spell - or a curse - victims of gambling addiction are seduced into throwing away time, money, relationships and self esteem.

Gambling addiction is a thief. It steals from you. It may be a charming thief, but a trap that glitters is still a trap.

Most people addicted to gambling know what it is taking from them, but they still get hooked. When not in the 'gambling trance', they can see right through it, but then somehow, the addiction takes over and they are helpless to stop.

When the compulsion to gamble comes upon you, it makes you forget the reality of how you'll feel when you've lost (and wasted so much time and money). This is a temporary illusion.

How hypnosis can help you stop gambling

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy Near Me


Overcome Gambling Addiction is an advanced audio hypnosis session that will take the compulsion out of gambling for good.

Stop Gambling Hypnotherapy Las Vegas

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you'll notice that you:

  • Relax deeply and gain distance on the gambling habit
  • Are able to see your gambling for what it really is
  • Begin to break free of the temporary pull of gambling illusion
  • No longer want to gamble

Stop Gambling Hypnosis Script

Download Overcome Gambling Addiction now and reclaim your life, as you free yourself from the compulsion to gamble. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.